Friday, August 6, 2010

Tip of the Week: Seeing is Believing

For this weeks tip we thought we'd share a little decorating ideas for Mexican dinner night.
First flowers: a nice bouquet goes a long way but remember not red and no Marigolds. I'm seeing white daisies in a vivid colored vase (I'm thinking orange).(that could possibly be because I'm painting them for my sis-in-law but I just love the simplicity of them against the bright colors of Mexico). Have the kids make a party banner to hang above the table. It's easy, see how to here. (If you don't want to use punches like Martha does just fold it as instructed in step 1 and cut it like a paper snowflake.) They'll love being apart of the dinner preparations and will be kept plenty busy while the meal is being prepared! Happy Friday!

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